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Compare your customer and supplier payment terms with other companies in your market

Company profile

We collect payment term information on companies in over 184 countries and allow you to compare your customer and supplier terms against that database. This allows you to have a direct comparison against real data that exists in the market. Once you have this information you have a very solid verification for what other companies have achieved. Sometimes the information will tell you that your terms are below market norms. Other times you will find that your terms are better or the same as market norms. In any event you learn a lot about the real terms being offered by real companies in your market.

Organisation type
Advisory, Product/Service Supplier
Regions where available
Number of staff

Main services

  • Supplier Payment Term Benchmarking
    Compare your terms with other companies who deal with the same supplier
  • Customer Payment Term Benchmarking
    Compare your terms with other companies who deal with the same customer


  • The only payment term benchmark that shares data at a named supplier and customer level
  • Data is no more than 4 years old
  • The database contains over 1 million data points and continues to grow. The more it grows, the more it will tell you

User types

  • Global mutinational companies to SMEs
  • Procurement and Finance professionals
  • Working Capital Directors

Contact details