Dedicated Treasury Systems and Services
The basic cash and treasury management functions are covered by the bank portals and cash management workstations, general cash and treasury management systems and the strategic customised cash and treasury management systems. There a huge
range of specialized, dedicated systems and services which provide advanced functionality in key areas of corporate treasury as the figure below shows.
Dedicated Systems & Services
Source: J&W Associates Copyright© 2011
The main types of dedicated corporate treasury systems and services are described below:
- general ledger - the full accounting systems that can be used for companies' core accounting and production of the annual accounts
- cash and treasury management connectivity systems
- cashflow forecasting
- payment factory processing and managment
- electronic bank account management
- FX dealing and management systems and services
- confirmation matching systems and services
- operational risk management systems and services
- commodity risk management systems and services
- leasing management systems systems and services
- derivatives and risk management, and hedge accounting
- investment management systems and services
- financial planning and consolidation
- trading and dealing platforms and services
- weather assessment and risk management systems and services.