Treasury News Network

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Associates Zone

Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash forecasting: A data story

by Nicolas Christiaen , CEO & Founder, Cashforce

In the huge amount of available data, it’s important to distinguish internal from external data

Payments - Receipts at POS

Instant Payments de-mystified – part 1

by Christof Hofmann , Global Head of Payments and Collections, Deutsche Bank

How the “new normal” in payments is starting to transform corporate treasury

Cash & Liquidity Management

Demystifying virtual accounts

by Dirk Kronshage , Global Head, Collection Products, Deutsche Bank

Dirk Kronshage, Global Head of Collections, Cash Products, Deutsche Bank explains what they are and when and where to use them

Cash Flow Management & Forecasting

Smart cash flow forecasting made easy

by Jack Large

TIPCO describe how their cash flow forecasting solution allows corporates to focus on the fun part


SWIFT gpi for corporates

by Christof Hofmann , Global Head of Payments and Collections, Deutsche Bank

Christof Hofmann, global head of payments & collection products, Deutsche Bank explains what is happening & how corporates can exploit

Cash Flow Management & Forecasting

Four cornerstones for a reliable cashflow forecast

by Nicolas Christiaen , CEO & Founder, Cashforce

Nicolas Christian, CEO at Cashforce, contrasts the functionality of dedicated cash flow forecasting platforms such as Cashforce's with the approach of a classic TMS in producing reliable cash flow forecasts.

Treasury Technology

Future of TMS implementations: by 2019 will take two days

by Tom Leitch , Chief Operating Officer, TreasuryXpress

Tom Leitch, COO, TreasuryXpress reviews standard implementation methods and how they are being replaced by modern models which now install TMS solutions in two weeks, and, by 2019, will take two days.

Treasury Technology

The modernization of treasury management solutions

by Tom Leitch , Chief Operating Officer, TreasuryXpress

Tom Leitch explains how treasury needs latest technology to reduce costs and cut implementation times dramatically