Is Europe ready to eliminate cash?
by Kylene Casanova
The European Parliament is supporting No Cash Day on 5 April but, despite impressive uptake of contactless and other e-payment methods in northern Europe, cash's allure is enduring.
Cash, bank notes and coins, are the oldest payment system and coins were first used some 2,500 years ago. Cash is used for the majority of payments in almost all countries. In Europe in 2008 78% of…
Read moreby Kylene Casanova
The European Parliament is supporting No Cash Day on 5 April but, despite impressive uptake of contactless and other e-payment methods in northern Europe, cash's allure is enduring.
by Kylene Casanova
Although, cash is alive and growing in some countries, in developed countries the decline is slow and continuous with some countries possibly seeing the end of cash
by Kylene Casanova
Citi and Imperial College London’s third Digital Money Report highlights the slow progress in digital money adoption and the drivers for change. See where you rank in Citi’s 2016 Digital Money Index
by Kylene Casanova
Are you ready for eWallets - ApplePay, Google, etc. - becoming the most popular e-commerce payment method, overtaking credit cards, and 23% of all e-commerce being exclusively from mobile?
by Kylene Casanova
Cash set to decline to 33% of all transactions, debit cards take 42%, credit cards 8% as card payment volumes increase by 66% and online/phone (Faster Payments) volumes more than double
by Kylene Casanova
Cash is not being replaced by contactless payments, rather traditional debit and credit card transactions are moving to contactless
by Kylene Casanova
Consult Hyperion report highlights importance of mobile payments and contactless, how Bitcoin will NOT have a significant role in the UK, AND how extra information/payment is vital
by Kylene Casanova
Overall cash usage continues to decline as consumers usage of mobile and other methods grow, but decline is slowing. Will cash make a comeback?
by Kylene Casanova
NO, not really, but here are some interesting stats
by Kylene Casanova
Less: YES, disappearance: NO, particularly since many retailers feel that cash is cheapest form of payment
by Kylene Casanova
Bank of America Merrill Lynch now provide a continuum of solutions to address the various challenges companies face when managing large volumes of cash and check receivables
by Kylene Casanova
Square is making a register that will takes Bitcoin and Apple Pay, so retailers will never miss a sale
by Kylene Casanova
BNY Mellon’s ‘Global Payments 2020’ report misses the point: Payments are not just about transformation and convergence they are about the whole sales and purchasing experience
by Kylene Casanova
UK’s British Retail Consortium estimate that cash is by far cheapest costing just 43% of debit card, and 14% of credit cards
by Kylene Casanova
New efficiencies in collecting the inevitable cash transactions
by Kylene Casanova
Cash is still used for the majority of transactions in UK (52%)
by Kylene Casanova
BRC warn about increasing use of new technologies & cards in payments at POS is increasing overall costs as cash payment continues to decline, now at 1.3p/transaction v. 41p for credit cards
by Kylene Casanova
Visa expect that 50% of their transactions will made be made through a mobile device by 2020
by Kylene Casanova
Improves Working Capital by freeing up trapped cash, lowering costs and increasing efficiency
by Kylene Casanova
Card fees to be cut by almost half
by Kylene Casanova
Use mobile point of sale terminals and mobile software
by Kylene Casanova
The new UK Cash & Cash Machines 2013 report from the UK Payments Council shows that cash use increased in the UK last year, with consumers and businesses making 20.8 billion cash payments in 2012, compared with 20.6
by Kylene Casanova
Fundamental changes in the UK retail industry as customers embrace new technology and new ways to shop are producing major changes in the relative importance of different payment methods.
by Kylene Casanova
Around one in seven card payments of under £20 are now contactless at UK retail giant Marks & Spencer (M&S), which is processing more than 230,000 tap and pay transactions every week.