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Cash Payments at POS


Cash, bank notes and coins, are the oldest payment system and coins were first used some 2,500 years ago. Cash is used for the majority of payments in almost all countries. In Europe in 2008 78% of…

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Payments - Receipts at POS

Is Europe ready to eliminate cash?

by Kylene Casanova

The European Parliament is supporting No Cash Day on 5 April but, despite impressive uptake of contactless and other e-payment methods in northern Europe, cash's allure is enduring.

Payments - Receipts

Citi’s Digital Money Report shows the slow adoption world-wide

by Kylene Casanova

Citi and Imperial College London’s third Digital Money Report highlights the slow progress in digital money adoption and the drivers for change. See where you rank in Citi’s 2016 Digital Money Index

Payments - Receipts at POS

BofA Merrill’s two new cash and paper handling solutions

by Kylene Casanova

Bank of America Merrill Lynch now provide a continuum of solutions to address the various challenges companies face when managing large volumes of cash and check receivables