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Collecting Payments via Mobile


There are already some 6.8 billion mobile phone subscriptions in the world (as of February 2014) and 2.6 billion are smart phones. It's a very fast-growing market: the number of smart phones…

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Payments - Receipts at POS

Countdown starts to mobile payments for all in UK

by Kylene Casanova

Paying a friend or business on your mobile as easily as sending a text is set to become a mainstream option in spring 2014, when the UK's Payments Council's new mobile payments service launches in the Spring.

Cash & Liquidity Management

Barclays extends Pingit to Kenya

by Kylene Casanova

Launched in the UK earlier this year, Pingit is a person-to-person payment service that enables people to send and receive money using mobile phone numbers.

Payments - Receipts at POS

3.6% of all Internet payments are completed using iPad devices

by Kylene Casanova

The iPad is the world's most commonly used mobile device for payments, with users spending on average 20 percent more per purchase than on other mobile devices, according to a research conducted by Adyen, a provider

Payments - Receipts at POS

Yet another Mobile Deposit Service

by Kylene Casanova

RDM Corporation, a developer of specialized software and hardware products for electronic payment processing, now offer Android support in their Simply Deposit Mobile® service.

FX Management & Crypto

Fully automated and bespoke FX settlement solution from Barclays

by Kylene Casanova

The BARX FXPay settlement solution has been built for online retailers who have to collect 100s and often 1000s of low value payments each day, particularly at weekends, sometimes in their customer's local currency.