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Confirmation Matching in Dealing & Trading


Confirmation matching is the comparison and matching of a previously agreed deal. Each confirmation includes the details of the deal and is sent to the counterparty for verification. The confirmation…

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Market Structures

Top 11 market structure trends for 2021

by Ben Poole

2021 trends

Following the mayhem of 2020, a report from Greenwich Associates explores the biggest market structure changes for the year ahead.


Why can’t post-trade be more like Amazon?

by Emma Johnson , Director, regulatory and market initiatives, securities services , Deutsche Bank


If a washing machine can be ordered from Amazon and delivered next day, why can’t a purchased security be credited as speedily?


Misys - empowering the corporate

by Kylene Casanova

Neil Macro explains how Misys could become the only connection corporates need to transact with the financial world

Confirmation Matching in Dealing & Trading

Thomson Reuters issues changes to spot Matching trading rules

by Kylene Casanova

New Rule Book for the Thomson Reuters Matching community, reinforcing practices designed to safeguard liquidity and maintaining high certainty of execution for all users

Dealing & Trading

BELLIN Matching Service

by Kylene Casanova

To meet EMIR and other regulations requirement for contract matching, BELLIN have launched a confirmation matching service for their treasury management system tm5.

Dealing & Trading

Misys expands FX Client Clearing Partnership with MarkitSERV

by Kylene Casanova

MarkitSERV, the most widely-used electronic trade processing service for over-the counter (OTC) derivative transactions and Misys, the global leader in treasury and capital markets solutions, today announced they ha