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Corporate treasury departments have a massive connectivity problem. They have to communicate and deal internally with almost every department and operating unit within the company or the group, and…

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Bolivian banks adopt SWIFT’s KYC

by Kylene Casanova

Bolivian banks connected to SWIFT are now using the Know Your Customer (KYC) registry. What are the implications of this growing use of the KYC programme for corporate treasury?


Will blockchain undermine SWIFT’s monopoly?

by Kylene Casanova

SWIFT has announced a pilot for its global payments initiative to increase efficiency of cross-border payments. But is the SWIFT model ideal for corporates and could blockchain challenge its status?

Bank Relations & KYC

UK’s Open Banking Standard here by end of 2016

by Kylene Casanova

The Open Banking Working Group has recommended the creation of an Open Banking Standard that will make it possible for banking data to be shared and used securely.


Misys - empowering the corporate

by Kylene Casanova

Neil Macro explains how Misys could become the only connection corporates need to transact with the financial world


Swift announces 57% price reduction by the end of 2015

by Kylene Casanova

Swift expects to deliver a 57% price reduction on its messaging services by the end of 2015, exceeding its original target of 50%, set out in 2010 as part of its Swift2015 strategy.