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Corporate Governance

Environment, Social, Governance

CFO involvement in sustainability set to increase

by Bija Knowles

CTMfile speaks to Nico Fettes, CDP Europe, about its green ratings initiative and how data requirements will affect CFOs and treasury

Environment, Social, Governance

Three steps towards Europe’s sustainable financial system

by Bija Knowles

Long-term risk management, more environmental reporting and measuring the climate-impact of investment funds are three key factors in the EU's move to a sustainable financial system

Environment, Social, Governance

EU sets out roadmap to a green, clean economy

by Bija Knowles

The European Commission's High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance has published its recommendations for a financial system that supports sustainable investment

Environment, Social, Governance

How are European corporates reporting on climate change?

by Bija Knowles

The CDP's 2017 Climate Change Report looks at how Europe's biggest companies are disclosing relevant climate change data – but 26% are still not setting emissions reduction targets