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FX Settlement


A corporate FX transaction involves a bank, on behalf of their corporate client, paying for the currency it sold at an agreed rate to another bank and receiving a different currency in return for the…

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Cash & Liquidity Management

How will US-China trade wars affect RMB?

by Bija Knowles

The renminbi has dropped to #7 in the ranking of international payment currencies, according to a measure of the currency's use on the SWIFT network

Dealing & Trading

What’s the future of e-trading?

by Bija Knowles

JP Morgan asked more than 400 institutional traders (mainly FX, rates and commodities) about the biggest e-trading trends for 2018, from mobile trading and MiFID II to precision execution

FX Management & Crypto

FX: in the age of the algos tailor them to fit your needs

by Kylene Casanova

Northern Trust launch of a suite of sophisticated foreign exchange client execution algorithms that allow clients to manage their FX exposure with an enhanced level of control and transparency

FX Management & Crypto

Why would you not use a bank for FX?

by Kylene Casanova

FX brokers and advisors continue to take SME’s FX business, but for big deals they cannot match the leading FX banks

FX Management & Crypto

2016 Review - February

by Kylene Casanova

Corporate treasury on cloud; FX volatility; UK’s Open Banking Standard; ‘One Treasurer’s Wish List’