Five contenders to displace China as supply chains hub – Industry roundup: 3 January
by Graham Buck
Seven trends impacting on farmers' finances; Egypt eases import restrictions; Russia "name and shame" list; Turkey completes first CBDC test
Comprehensive, coherent strategies to optimise global cash and liquidity management are relatively easy to develop, the difficult part is the implementation and ensuring that they are cost-effective.…
Read moreby Graham Buck
Seven trends impacting on farmers' finances; Egypt eases import restrictions; Russia "name and shame" list; Turkey completes first CBDC test
by Graham Buck
CEBR expects global recession; HSBC files crypto trademark applications; Japan inflation of 3.7% a 41-year high; Further Europe rate hikes likely
by Graham Buck
Competition in UK’s FX market; Brazil plans 2024 launch of CBDC; European central banks announce rate hikes; Argos Blockchain struggles for cash
by Graham Buck
IBM and Maersk shutter TradeLens; Bulk ships "transporting food cargoes"; Fit For The Future study issued; Mastercard and Vesta in LatAm partnership
by Pushpendra Mehta , Executive Writer, CTMfile
Learn why the U.S. has taken a deliberative approach to CBDC development and why CFOs and corporate treasurers should be thinking about CBDCs.
by Monica Zangerle , Writer, CTMfile
Cuba ransomware attacks on US organizations more than double over the past year; Ukraine central bank explores CBDC as a key element to raise capital.
by Graham Buck
Oil price projections for 2023; Wider band for China's yuan likely; Binance re-enters Japan via acquisition; Goldman redeploys London traders to Milan
by Monica Zangerle , Writer, CTMfile
Crypto lender BlockFi files for bankruptcy; HSBC quits Canada, selling its business to RBC for US $10 billion.
by Pushpendra Mehta , Executive Writer, CTMfile
Learn more about the DDP, its Technical Sandbox Program, and why they’re focusing on cross-border payments and defining interoperability.
by Graham Buck
China goes for gold over dollar; CLOs bounce back from brief selloff; CBA leads in asset finance; Two contenders remain for Citi Banamex
by Pushpendra Mehta , Executive Writer, CTMfile
Rising recession fears are causing CFOs to focus on automation, outsourcing, and hiring freezes to protect organizational growth and profitability.
by Pushpendra Mehta , Executive Writer, CTMfile
Enhancing liquidity risk management and being a steward for financial risk management are the most critical treasury mandates prioritized by the CFO.
by Pushpendra Mehta , Executive Writer, CTMfile
Middle Eastern companies pay higher prices for many imported goods and services, increasing the amount of working capital tied up in operations.
by Monica Zangerle , Writer, CTMfile
BNY Mellon unveils new aggregated payments platform in the US; Crypto and blockchain saw the most investment in Portuguese fintech market in 2022
by Graham Buck
MBridge multi-CBDC completes pilot; SWIFT extends MonetaGo tool; Turkey plans 2023 launch for CBDC; ECB agrees second 0.75% rate hike
by Kylene Casanova
General Motors posts big third-quarter earnings beat but holds full-year guidance steady amid ‘headwinds.'
by Pushpendra Mehta , Executive Writer, CTMfile
Higher financing costs, rickety stock markets, and geopolitical and economic uncertainty have contributed to a steep fall in deal-making activity.
by Kylene Casanova
Inflation spikes in both the UK and Canada; Archaea Energy to be Acquired by BP, Cyberattacks rise in Europe.
by Pushpendra Mehta , Executive Writer, CTMfile
The strong dollar is lowering the earnings of American companies dependent on overseas sales, making them vulnerable to exchange rate fluctuations.
by Pushpendra Mehta , Executive Writer, CTMfile
Mastercard’s latest innovation integrates data from all company sources to offer a complete view of payments for better business decision-making.
by Graham Buck
Lazard adds geopolitical risk unit; Central banks "ready for recession"; Google to accept crypto payments; BNY Mellon complete Egypt-China payment
by Pushpendra Mehta , Executive Writer, CTMfile
CEOs are ready to confront the current geopolitical and economic challenges, while still anticipating long-term global growth.
by Graham Buck
New concerns over shadow banking; HSBC Canada seeks a buyer; EU nations agree CO2 permits; Global trade to slow next year says WTO
by Pushpendra Mehta , Executive Writer, CTMfile
CFOs are moving away from efficiency-based supply chain models to revenue assurance models that emphasize reliability, responsiveness and resilience.