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Global Cash Visibility


After forecasting cashflows, the next step in cash and liquidity management is to ensure full visibility of all cash to determine the available cash balances world-wide. Ideally, this should be by the…

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Cash Flow Forecasting

What is Business Intelligence? A treasury perspective

by Oscar Martinez , Business intelligence and financial planning lead , Sereviso

How a corporate treasurer transfered his skills to the fast-developing world of business intelligence (BI)


New opportunities in cash management

by Kelvin Walton , CEO, TreasuryWise Limited

Evolution of today’s solutions, and the potential for ground-breaking enhancements

Cash & Liquidity Management

CFOs expect US recession by end of 2020

by Bija Knowles

More than half of North America's CFOs say they expect the US to be in recession by the end of 2020

Cash & Liquidity Management

Treasury and payments news roundup

by Kylene Casanova

A roundup of news stories from Volante, IFC, Demica, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and CompleXCountries