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Operational Risk Management


The basic purpose of the corporate treasury department is to ensure that there is sufficient cash available for the company to operate, and that interest rate and foreign exchange risks are…

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Operational Risk Management

Key activities of the modern treasury

by Jack Large

Treasury is in the funding business with resources best spent on future activities to control risk

Best Practices & Benchmarking

It’s the questions stupid

by Jack Large

Drucker’s six questions for your strategic treasury delivery plan

Operational Risk Management

Rabobank registers as swap dealer in the US

by Graham Buck

The Dutch food and agribusiness bank says the move will help its customised risk management products across the food chain.


Managing a successful spin-off

by Bija Knowles

Divestments are best done quickly but certain strategies should be in place to make sure the separation creates value


“That doesn’t look right”

by Jack Large

Full automation still needs experienced FTEs who understand corporate treasury, so can question BOTs, APIs, AI and outsourcing output


GDPR and NIS: Risks and opportunities in data security

by Bija Knowles

GDPR is just 10 weeks away but many organisations are not doing all they can to protect data privacy – and some are even missing out on opportunities through fear of collecting too much data