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Payment & Collection Factories


A payment & collection factory centralises making and/or collecting payments on behalf of a company or group re…

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Cash Flow Forecasting

5 steps to cash forecasting excellence

by Jack Large

OpusCapita white paper shows if you need to check your forecasting processes, then the five steps to nirvana are

Cash Flow Management & Forecasting

Tech & market trends changing how corporates use SSCs

by Kylene Casanova

The way companies are using shared service centres is changing rapidly, influenced by technology and a changing marketplace, according to a survey by Deloitte

Cash Flow Management & Forecasting

5 ways to prepare for treasury change

by Kylene Casanova

If your treasury is thinking about taking on a transformational project, what are some of the key factors to consider before you even begin?


2016 Annual Review - 10 most read posts

by Kylene Casanova

Shell’s centralisation journey; Block chain; OpenLink bringing commodity & treasury ERM solutions together; PSD2; and KYC were the most popular items in 2016

Cash & Liquidity Management

Could virtual assistants change the way corporates bank?

by Kylene Casanova

A report shows what banking might look like in 2030: technology will enable a 'virtual assistant' to take care of all financial matters while managing our health and social lives at the same time.

Cash Flow Management & Forecasting

Treasury objectives focused on cash and liquidity up to 2017

by Kylene Casanova

Cash and liquidity access remains the top priority for corporate treasurers, while centralisation is still a key strategy for ensuring visibility of cash flows, according to a survey conducted by Nordea.