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Payments - Disbursements


Making payments is the inevitable consequence of making purchases and an essential and integral part of the financial supply chain. A payment is the transfer of value from one party, a person or…

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Payments - Disbursements

Omikron suite eases SEPA adoption

by Kylene Casanova

Omikron have launched a suite of services which cover all the functions needed make SEPA payments including migration tools to automatically convert legacy formats and migrate users to the new SEPA formats.

Payments - Disbursements

Europe’s TARGET 2 in 2011

by Kylene Casanova

TARGET2 is the real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system owned and operated by the Eurosystem.

Payments - Disbursements

How to avoid duplicate payments

by Kylene Casanova

The US Institute of Internal Auditors has found that duplicate payments make up 0.5% of annual invoice payments.

Payments - Disbursements

BofA Merrill launches Money Network Payroll Distribution Service

by Kylene Casanova

Bank of America Merchant Services, an electronic payments processor, and Money Network, a provider of payroll distribution solutions, have launched the Money Network Payroll Distribution Service sponsored by Bank of

Payments - Receipts

SEPA Progress

by Kylene Casanova

The October 2011 European Payments Council newsletter revealed that according to the European Central Bank analysis: