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% Rate Hedging & Risk Management


Most businesses are exposed to interest rate risks from their operating cash flows, their financing and their investments. Businesses with variable interest rate investments face the possibility of…

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Risk Management

Industry roundup: 21 April

by Graham Buck


Fitch outlines China challenges; Euro firms gain from commodity hedges; SG seeks start-ups to accelerate; Citi recycles for corporate cards

Risk Management

Industry roundup: 3 March

by Graham Buck


Russia exodus tests fund managers; VTB commodities unit winds down; IMF paper examines cash management capacity; China overhauls supply chain finance

Risk Management

Industry roundup: 1 March

by Graham Buck


Banks halt Russia commodity trade finance; Paga Group expands to Ethiopia; Sweden's biometric payment card; Ex-SWIFT trio launch cross-border payments

Financing Short-Medium Term Deficits

Hedging and COVID-19: Three key considerations

by Amol Dhargalkar , Managing Director, Global Corporates Sector, Chatham Financial


How can your company address its financial risk management program in light of these unprecedented times?