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% Rate Hedging & Risk Management


Most businesses are exposed to interest rate risks from their operating cash flows, their financing and their investments. Businesses with variable interest rate investments face the possibility of…

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Risk Management

Cash flow forecasting needs Actively Open Minded Thinkers

by Kylene Casanova

Tim Harford, Senior Columnist, Financial Times, explains how open minded thinking is essential in forecasting and why Keynes was a better forecaster than Irving Fischer: “When facts change, I change my opinion”

Risk Management

Tips for doing enterprise risk management right

by Kylene Casanova

​A video produced by the Association for Financial Professionals asks Magnus Attoff, head of financial risk management at Ericsson, about his unique approach to ERM.

Cash & Liquidity Management

The prognosis for our zero-rate economy?

by Kylene Casanova

Are we facing a protracted period of 'secular stagnation' that no central bank can fix? How much longer can the zero-rate economy continue and how can we climb out of the 'liquidity trap'?

FX Management & Crypto

BIS on why emerging market firms finance in dollar

by Kylene Casanova

The Bank for International Settlements has released its December issue of the BIS Quarterly Review, giving its perspective on credit to emerging markets denominated in US dollar.


European swap clearing to start in June 2016

by Kylene Casanova

ESMA announces firms will have to centrally clear certain classes of interest rate swaps starting from 21 June 2016, to comply with EMIR