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Releasing Trapped Cash


Trapped cash is money that cannot be moved cross-border for a period due to regulatory, tax or business process constraints. These restrictions mainly apply in the emerging markets. The in-country…

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Cash & Liquidity Management

5 economic trends to watch unfold in 2018

by Bija Knowles

Trade policies are a major source of concern for global corporate executives. Here are five take-aways from the results of McKinsey's Economic Conditions Snapshot survey 2018

Cash & Liquidity Management

US corporates aim for cash repatriation in Q2

by Bija Knowles

Repatriation of cash to the US is back on the agenda for CFOs and treasurers, with 63 per cent planning to repatriate cash in 2018. TMS upgrades and short-term cash investment also a priority

Cash & Liquidity Management

$1.5 trillion excess cash held offshore by US corporates

by Kylene Casanova

US corporates are holding huge amounts of cash offshore in non-US overseas subsidiaries, to avoid paying the 35 per cent US corporate tax rate. How can the Fed tempt companies to repatriate?

Cash & Liquidity Management

Boosting cash management in a decentralised company

by Kylene Casanova

Centralisation isn't ideal for all companies and yet, decentralised companies can be at a disadvantage compared to their centralised peers, in terms of cash management and margins

Cash & Liquidity Management

Virtual Cash Management - the new future or the same old?

by Kylene Casanova

ING VCM solution improves cash visibility, access and reconciliation, whilst centralising multi-entity cash and transactions, and rationalising bank account structures

Cash Flow Management & Forecasting

Inter-company netting - undervalued and underused

by Kylene Casanova

Andrew Goldie, Coprocess MD, explains how netting market is developing, the new functionality available and the future for netting systems and services

Cash & Liquidity Management

The real truths about releasing trapped cash

by Kylene Casanova

The article by Gavin Hinks, in The Treasurer in September 2012, gives several important tips about how to free your cash:

Cash & Liquidity Management

Five ways for releasing trapped cash in China

by Kylene Casanova

At the recent Cash Management University in Paris, BNP Paribas explained how there are now five ways to release trapped cash in China: