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Releasing Working Capital


To free up as much liquidity as possible from the working capital, finance directors and corporate treasurers aim for an optimal Cash Conversion Cycle. The aim is to maximise Days Payables Outstanding…

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Cash & Liquidity Management

Corporates accumulating more cash than ever

by Bija Knowles

Corporate decision-makers remain cautious and are continuing to hold on to cash reserves rather than investing or deploying cash, according to research done by Global Finance magazine

Cash & Liquidity Management

6 sessions not to miss at Smart Cash this week

by Kylene Casanova

The UK Association of Corporate Treasurers is holding its Smart Cash event on 8-9 February in London – CTMfile picks out six highlights from the two-day programme

Cash & Liquidity Management

Boosting cash management in a decentralised company

by Kylene Casanova

Centralisation isn't ideal for all companies and yet, decentralised companies can be at a disadvantage compared to their centralised peers, in terms of cash management and margins

Cash Flow Management & Forecasting

Inter-company netting - undervalued and underused

by Kylene Casanova

Andrew Goldie, Coprocess MD, explains how netting market is developing, the new functionality available and the future for netting systems and services

Cash & Liquidity Management

Tips on improving cash flow when liquidity is tight

by Kylene Casanova

Betty Fan, senior consultant at Element Consulting Group in the USA, an advisor of shipping companies and manufacturers, in an article in 'the corporate treasurer', recommends an integrated approach from all busines