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Trade & FSC Management


Trade finance helps to make international supply chains work smoothly and efficiently. Finance costs in the supply chain can be material. As a general principle, supply chains are most efficient when…

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Cash Flow Management & Forecasting

5 ways to avoid a cash flow crisis

by Bija Knowles

Your company's ability to operate normally can be severely hampered if cash flows dry up – here are some ideas on how to avoid this happening and what to do if it actually does

Trade & FSC Management

BPO slowly increases corporate appetite for digital trade

by Bija Knowles

The bank payment obligation has been around for some time but uptake has been slow. The first BPO transactions have now been processed in Austria - could more companies choose BPO in future?

Trade & FSC Management

Supply chain visibility linked to profitability

by Bija Knowles

Visibility over the supply chain is a huge problem for companies, with only 6 per cent of firms claiming to have full visibility of their global supply networks

Trade & FSC Management

Will fintechs step up to fill the trade finance gap?

by Kylene Casanova

There is an estimated $1.6 trillion of untapped demand for trade finance services, while technological innovation has yet to make any truly disruptive impact on the sector

Environment, Social, Governance

The cost advantage when supply chains get shorter

by Kylene Casanova

Being able to respond quickly to changing markets and cutting logistics costs in the supply chain has become a key consideration for companies who are keeping their supply chains short

Trade & FSC Management

Can treasury take a strategic role in supply chain management?

by Kylene Casanova

An EIU report highlights some of the trends in supply chain management, including treasury's role – but it asks whether treasurers are ready to embrace the challenge of leading a supply chain?

Environment, Social, Governance

Could you be a supply chain bully? Ask yourself these questions

by Kylene Casanova

Achieving efficiencies in payables outstanding is very much a part of the internal financial goals that companies set themselves – but in being more efficient, could you be harming your suppliers?

Trade & FSC Management

The digital opportunity in the supply chain

by Kylene Casanova

In an interview with McKinsey's David Schwartz, the two digital experts outlined some of the things executives should be doing and thinking differently when it comes to digital innovation