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Trade & FSC Management


Trade finance helps to make international supply chains work smoothly and efficiently. Finance costs in the supply chain can be material. As a general principle, supply chains are most efficient when…

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Trade & FSC Management

Evaluating M&A through the supply chain lens

by Kylene Casanova

In this article in CFO Magazine, Kai Trepte looks at how to apply certain supply chain evaluation methods to potential M&A deals

Risk Management

The impact of Trumponomics

by Kylene Casanova

Much is being written and said about how a Trump presidency will affect the US and global economy. Here is a little overview of recent views being aired in the financial media.

Fraud Prevention

How blockchain will be used in financial services

by Kylene Casanova

Research by Finextra and Epam looks at some of the current projects using blockchain to improve cross-border transfers, trade transactions as well as data and customer identity management.

Trade & FSC Management

Top supply chain leaders of 2016 named

by Kylene Casanova

An annual ranking of the top 25 supply chain leaders puts Unilever in top place, based on considerations including a peer vote, CSR and revenue growth.