RMB strengthens position as second most used currency for documentary credits
by Kylene Casanova
Maintains position as fifth most used currency as value of payments decreased overall
Trade finance helps to make international supply chains work smoothly and efficiently. Finance costs in the supply chain can be material. As a general principle, supply chains are most efficient when…
Read moreby Kylene Casanova
Maintains position as fifth most used currency as value of payments decreased overall
by Kylene Casanova
In future will offer early payment discounting that will be across the whole supply chain which will revolutionise your working capital efficiency
by Kylene Casanova
Sets a new industry record as the largest structured commodity trade finance facility for a Chinese company with USD1.5 billion two-year syndicated structured steel pre-payment term loan facility
by Kylene Casanova
Progress report shows that SWIFT are having to keep up the pressure on banks and corporates to adopt Bank Payment Obligation standards and processes
by Kylene Casanova
Two leading experts on corporate treasury technology - Palle Dedenroth - Danfoss, and Bengt Elvinsson, Corning - discuss their conclusions on the products and sessions at Eurofinance last week
by Kylene Casanova
BPO needs more players to take off as the larger banks not ramping up their programmes
by Kylene Casanova
New MT798 messages standard for trade transaction enables corporates to use one message type for exchanging trade information with all their banks
by Kylene Casanova
Basware are also launching a range of Financing Services including discounting and factoring services. Non-banks are increasingly financing the supply chain
by Kylene Casanova
Electronification of global trade continues - slowly, one company at a time
by Kylene Casanova
Corporates comments and input requested on new guidance on transfer pricing documentation rules
by Kylene Casanova
In 2014 SWIFT have high hopes for industry specific initiatives for corporates
by Kylene Casanova
Bloomberg European Banks Funding Margin Index launched
by Kylene Casanova
BPO adoption seems to be gathering momentum
by Kylene Casanova
According to PrimeRevenue
by Kylene Casanova
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi arrangement of BPO settlement for Vale and MSM really works
by Kylene Casanova
Now PayPal to give small businesses access to funds
by Kylene Casanova
Andrew Kan, JLA Asia, gives advice on recognising fake receipts
by Kylene Casanova
Seller protection will help to protect merchants from fraudulent transactions
by Kylene Casanova
major solution developments in its China trade and supply chain finance product suite
by Kylene Casanova
Neatly describing the involvement of working capital in the supply chain is not easy, one of the simplest and most elegant ways to do this is shown in Eugenio Cavenaghi's (Director Trade and Working Capital Europe a
by Kylene Casanova
Paul Boodee describes, in the July/Agust edition of The Exchange, how Banco Toyota do Brasil ("BTB"), Toyota Financial Services' affiliate in Brazil managed their sovereign risk.
by Kylene Casanova
The main reason for setting up a supply chain finance programme is to support your suppliers in your supply chain and to improve working capital performance by extending the DPO. But what if,
by Kylene Casanova
ZTE is the fifth largest telecom supplier world-wide with about 50% of their sales outside of China, so export financing is a vital part of their business model. In an article by Dan Bland in The
by Kylene Casanova
Demica's SVP Avarina Miller in London has worked on many SCF implementations; her tips for a successful SCF programme are: