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Trade & FSC Management


Trade finance helps to make international supply chains work smoothly and efficiently. Finance costs in the supply chain can be material. As a general principle, supply chains are most efficient when…

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Cash & Liquidity Management

FRIDAYclub: Lessons and take aways from Eurofinance, Budapest

by Kylene Casanova

Two leading experts on corporate treasury technology - Palle Dedenroth - Danfoss, and Bengt Elvinsson, Corning - discuss their conclusions on the products and sessions at Eurofinance last week

Cash & Liquidity Management

Case Study: Managing Brazilian Sovereign Risk

by Kylene Casanova

Paul Boodee describes, in the July/Agust edition of The Exchange, how Banco Toyota do Brasil ("BTB"), Toyota Financial Services' affiliate in Brazil managed their sovereign risk.

Trade & FSC Management

Receivables financing - ZTE’s global strategy

by Kylene Casanova

ZTE is the fifth largest telecom supplier world-wide with about 50% of their sales outside of China, so export financing is a vital part of their business model. In an article by Dan Bland in The