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Treasury Careers

Treasury Careers

Five ways to boost CFO-board rapport

by Bija Knowles

These communication skills and practices help CFOs interact and develop a healthy relationship with board members

Treasury Careers

The CFO who called out deception at Theranos

by Bija Knowles

The Theranos story is one of ambition and deceit – but it's also about a CFO who stood up to a powerful and charismatic leader

Cash & Liquidity Management

Treasurers in 2018: more engaged, satisfied, strategic

by Bija Knowles

The ACT's annual report paints a picture of corporate treasurers who are more satisfied and engaged with their roles, are more highly skilled and have greater interaction with the board


CFO skills and tools for digital transformation

by Bija Knowles

Industry 4.0 is giving rise to a new genre of CFO, with a deeper understanding of digital transformation – a new white paper outlines five of the key skills needed

Treasury Careers

Larger workloads send CFO stress through the roof

by Bija Knowles

Working in finance can be stressful. Recent research shows that four out of five chief financial officers say stress levels in their job are rising – here are six ways to reduce stress


Three waves of autonomy: financial sector hit first

by Bija Knowles

Analysis by PwC identifies three overlapping waves of automation between now and the mid-2030s – financial services are first in line but research shows retraining is key as jobs will be created too