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Urgent/Instant Payments

Payments - Disbursements

Industry roundup: 19 April

by Graham Buck


India’s payment industry trends; RBI assesses Indian economy; Brazil ready to pilot CBDC; War increases commodity trade exposures

Environment, Social, Governance

Industry roundup: 12 April

by Graham Buck


Banks aim to decarbonise aviation; Nokia joins Russia exodus; EBF rebuffs EU plans for clearing market; Sri Lanka seeks US$3bn rescue

Interest rate

Industry roundup: 22 March

by Graham Buck


Transition from Libor progressing; Bank majors form syndicated loan platform; ClearBank raises £175m for expansion; Euroclear takes stake in Fnality

Risk Management

Industry roundup: 10 March

by Graham Buck


Airlines’ hedging offsets oil price spike; US corporates’ Russia exposure assessed; London-listed Russian companies; Biden authorises crypto review

Fraud Prevention

Industry roundup: 04 March

by Kylene Casanova

Generic corporate business people

new cybersecurity law, US using countering crypto to avoid Russia sanctions, Ripple's crypto payments, EMQ cross-border payments in South Asia.

Cash & Liquidity Management

Industry roundup: 24 February

by Graham Buck


McKinsey upbeat on mining sector; Botswana to end cheque use; Few escape supply chain disruption; Islamic finance 'helping sustainability aims'

Bank Relations & KYC

Industry roundup: 16 February

by Kylene Casanova

News Roundup

Mastercard crypto consulting, ISO 20022 update, Crypto accessibility expanded, A2A payments solution,open-banking w/ APIs

Bank Relations & KYC

Industry roundup: 14 February

by Kylene Casanova


SoFi highlighted at SuperBowl, Fintechs using Sardine to combat fraud, Mastercard partners with fintechs, Anduin's Smart Mail, B2B trade segment BNPL

Bank Relations & KYC

Industry roundup: 11 February

by Kylene Casanova


Temenos Banking Service, KyckGlobal & Payflo partner, Worldline & Alipay+ partner, TrueLayer & Tillit collaboration, Stablecoin in Japan, EU payments

Bank Relations & KYC

Industry roundup: 7 February

by Kylene Casanova


Barclays and Rainmaking partnership, Singapore digital economy, Federal Reserve digital dollar, Keybank and Google Cloud partnership

Cash & Liquidity Management

Industry roundup: 4 February

by Kylene Casanova

News Roundup

digital yuan & Olympics, AI and cross-border payments, compliance solutions for fintechs, and digital banking expansion


Industry roundup: 3 February

by Graham Buck


First DeFi ETF launches 17 February; Ripple and Modulr partner; China's zero-Covid 'threatens supply chain'; UK ransomware attack targets snacks

Bank Relations & KYC

Industry roundup: January 31

by Kylene Casanova


U.S. Treasury alternatives to IDme, FedNow pricing approach established, Central Pacific Bank launches banking-as-a-service, digital banking in Brazil

Cash & Liquidity Management

Industry roundup: 24 January

by Kylene Casanova

Generic corporate business people

Swiss neobank Entris partners with Bottomline, BSP guide on ePayments, Mastercard virtual card for B2B payments, UK enhanced cybersecurity

Anti-Money Laundering

Industry roundup: 15 December

by Kylene Casanova

Digital technology business image

Global supply chain disruptions, BBVA Switzerland is first in Europe to use Ethereum into its service, AML solutions expand into the Baltic region

Payments - Disbursements

SWIFT outlines blueprint for 2022

by Graham Buck


The financial messaging services provider announces “ambitious plans to accelerate adoption of its new services across the global financial community”


Industry roundup: 19 October

by Graham Buck

Mastercard logo

News in brief: Mastercard and Previse unite on cross-border payments; India's BSE moves to T+1 settlement; DP World trade finance platform