2015 business rules for Sepa schemes now effective
by Kylene Casanova
The European Payments Council (EPC) has announced that the 2015 Single Euro Payments Area (Sepa) Direct Debit (SDD) and Credit Transfer (SCT) Rulebooks, which are the business rules of the EPC schemes, are now in effect - as of 23 November 2015.
Rulebook versions 8.1 of SDD Core, 6.1 of SDD Business to Business (B2B), and 8.1 of SCT, were published in April 2015, in order to leave enough time to scheme participants to implement the changes within their organisations.
These versions of the SDD Core and the SDD B2B Rulebooks will remain in effect until November 2016, whilst the SCT Rulebook version 8.1 will remain valid until November 2017.
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