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AI expanding in cash and treasury management but WHO is checking the results?

CTMfile has reported many times on how Artificial Intelligence processing is being used in all sorts of systems across corporate banking and cash and treasury management, for example:

Celent report

A recent report by Celent’s Alenka Grealish The Cognitive Corporate Bank - Heading Toward The Summit brings together what is happening in corporate banking and cash and treasury management. Celent uses IBM’s definition of cognitive computing: “systems that learn at scale, reason with purpose and interact with humans naturally. Rather than being explicitly programmed, they learn and reason from their interactions with us and from their experiences with their environment.”

This comprehensive and in depth report (62 pages) reviews the level and  scale of the use of AI in Corporate Banking. For example the leaders in AI in corporate banking include:

Source & Copyright©2018 - Celent

In corporate treasury and procurement/payments the level of AI by companies like Sage is already impressive:

Source & Copyright©2018 - Celent

In fraud detection and compliance management there is already significant live usage of AI as shown below

Source & Copyright©2018 - Celent

CTMfile take: This is a useful report. Artificial Intelligence processing is here and clearly rapidly expanding across all areas of corporate treasury. But how easy will it be to detect that it is making wrong decisions? How will experienced members of staff: manage the so called ‘artificial intelligent’ processes and systems?

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