Bank Account Management - Realities and Opportunities WEBchat Series
by Kylene Casanova
Bank Account Management
Jill Selgrad, Business Development Leader, Strategic Treasurer, and Jack Large review the issues and opportunities in managing bank accounts worldwide.
First, they review the realities, and then they cover four main opportunities: achieve full visibility, introduce much tighter control, significantly improve efficiency, and develop optimum flexibility.
Topics and timestamps
- The realities of bank account management - 0:48
- Opportunities for full visibility - 1:21
- Opportunities for tighter control - 4:53
- Opportunities for improved efficiency - 8:37
- Opportunities for achieving optimum flexibility - 12:26
- Closing summary and remarks - 15:54
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CTMfile take: Bank account management is a headache that too many companies ignore, but learning to handle it effectively without spending an inordinate amount of time on it is quite challenging. In under 17 minutes, this WEBchat dives deep into the problems treasury faces with bank account management and offers specific advice for those needing to improve in this area.
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