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BEPS - the impact on corporate treasury and how to respond around the world

Key timing points
1:43 Transfer pricing impact
3:45 Cost of capital impact
5:00 Interaction betwee BEPS and proposed IRS 365
6:10 With holding tax treatment - local v. BEPS
7:45 Corporate structure impacts
10:50 Transfer pricing response
11:40 Cost of capital and managing local variations response
14:38 Corporate structure options
15:10 What to do right now and going forward

CTMfile take: Managing the compliance with BEPS and its interaction with local regulations, particularly the proposed IRS365, is going to be horrendous. It could change the structure and organisation of corporate treasury world-wide.

The OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Tax is the single biggest tax change facing corporate treasury today. It affects everything world-wide.

In this WEBchat, PwC’s Tax Partner, Graham Robinson reviews the impact of Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Tax on corporate treasury, and how to respond. We discuss:

  • what is BEPS and its objectives
  • the main impacts of BEPS 
  • the likely interaction with the proposed IRS 385 regulations
  • how to respond to BEPS world-wide 
  • the single thing that corporate treasury departments need to do right now, and what to keep in mind going forward.

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