BNP Paribas, EACT, PwC and SAP launch strategic paper on ‘Journeys To Treasury’
by Kylene Casanova
The new joint report, available at:, is designed to help professional treasurers on their own journey to the future of Treasury.
First edition of JTT addresses three key topics for the corporate treasury department:
– continue innovation
– any time, anywhere Treasury
– cybercrime and fraud.
The report also looks at game changers like block chain, fintechs, immediate if payments and big data, and how these will affect corporate treasury. It brings together joint insights of the bank, the industry association, the consultant and the software vendor.
JTT a collaborative effort
The JTT is a collaborative, multi-faceted initiative that will be conducted on a yearly basis. It builds on the strength of the four partner alliance, and is aimed at corporate treasurers and the financial decision-makers. Its objective is to provide expert insights into the world of corporate financial strategy and treasury.
The team believe that the content is everything but the usual mainstream messages on the fundamentals of treasury. The content is based on ongoing conversations between experts from different horizons on topics that have been identified as priorities by treasury departments.
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