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Cashflow forecasting: new opportunities for significant improvement

Bad cash flow forecasting (CFF) is more than a treasury and finance problem. The Integrated Business Planning (IBP) devotees believe that it is symptomatic of broader business problems that impede how resources are reallocated across functions and entities, in response to changing market conditions. At the centre of this problem are the fragmented planning, budgeting, and forecasting (PBF) processes. And, more specifically, traditional Corporate Performance Management (CPM) applications.

Integrated Business Planning movement

The IBP movement is growing world-wide, as suppliers and corporates focus on developing the new type of technology that is needed to enable global organizations to address these problems by simultaneously accomplishing three things:

  1. achieving highly accurate profit, (direct and indirect) cash flow and foreign currency position forecasts
  2. effectively integrating CFF with PBF and scenario planning processes
  3. dramatically reducing the time and cost to develop these forecasts.

This WEBchat with Dean Sorensen, Consultant from the IBP Collaborative, examines the capabilities that differentiate IBP from traditional CPM applications. It also addresses how IBP fits within treasury management strategies, as well as the challenges that corporate treasurers may face in leveraging the innovations that comprise IBP applications.

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