Citi enhances cash flow forecasting in TreasuryVision ® Global Liquidity Portal simplifying forecast
by Kylene Casanova
The Cash Flow Forecasting new module provides users with greater flexibility to define how and when they generate forecasts. It also features enhanced analytics, including optional predictive forecasting that uses statistical algorithms and "what if" stress-testing capabilities. The work flow functionality has also been enhanced to more easily support a global treasury organization.
The new Cash Flow Forecasting module is fully integrated within the TreasuryVision® Global Liquidity Portal With this updated release. Clients will be able to:
- improve analytics and scenario stress-testing: Perform "What-if" analysis, compare budget vs. actual variance analysis, and monitor intraday updates for cash positioning
- achieve greater flexibility preparing forecasts: Create a forecast at any level of detail to match business and other trading model dynamics, for top-down and bottom-up approaches to forecasting
- control global workflow process: Enable globally dispersed treasury and business staff to provide forecast input on templates tailored to the needs of the central or regional treasury.
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