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Demystifying virtual accounts

Key timing points
0:50 The basic components - real bank acounts, virtual accounts, virtual numbers
5:51 Virtual account solutions - where fit in a company’s treasury journey
7:08 How uses of virtual account technology has evolved
10:35 Where not use virtual accounts
12:05 Key considerations in virtual accounts and their application
14:25 Closing remarks

There are many misconceptions about what virtual accounts are, and what they can be used for. In this WEBchat Dirk Kronshage Global Head of Collections, Cash Products, Deutsche Bank explains the essential detail, before giving practical advice on when and where they can be used effectively.

The WEBchat covers:

1. Basic components and how relate to each other

2. Virtual account solutions - Where they fit into a company‘s treasury journey

3. How virtual account solutions have evolved over time, and the new uses emerging

4. Key considerations in using virtual account solutions.

Learn about the basic components of virtual accounts, how they work, and when and where to use them. But remember virtual accounts and their technology are not a panacea, you must first be clear about what want to achieve and then use them appropriately.

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