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Find Your Hedging Persona - what type of hedger are you?

The problem with the world-wide web is how to be interesting enough to tempt browsing potential readers, and maybe even possible clients, to click on your post/item. HedgeTrackers have an important and interesting approach.

For more than a decade, Hedge Trackers has helped businesses in a wide variety of markets and industries mitigate their exposure to risk. Their team of consultants and derivative accountants combines years of experience, best practices and long-term focus to conceptualize and implement hedging strategies for each client. An important part of their approach is assessing and understanding what level of risk and type of hedging will suit your company and meet your business goals.

Three types of persona

Hedge Trackers have found that there are three basic types of hedging persona: Foreign currency, Commodity, and Interest rate:

Source & Copyright©2017 - Hedge Trackers 

Foreign Currency Hedging Persona

Clicking on foreign currency box takes the reader to either a limited set of options or all eight types of behaviour that Hedge Trackers have identified, see below:

Source & Copyright©2017 - Hedge Trackers 

Clicking on the lady at the top of the all options group shows one particular set of circumstances which via the ‘’Learn more” leads on to what Hedge Trackers would recommend in those circumstances.

Makes you think

How Hedge Trackers have grouped behaviours is fascinating and important. Also it makes the reader think about: what they are trying to achieve, where they are, and the options available. 

This is no boring infographic that gives too much information in too little space, it is an interactive tool to find out what type of behaviour you fit into and what Hedge Trackers, one the leaders in hedging, feel are the sensible options.

CTMfile take: The graphics are pretty, but it is the analysis and understanding behind the diagrams that are vital. Recommended.

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