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Four cornerstones for a reliable cashflow forecast

Key timing points
1:15 Drill-down to transactional detail through Big Data Engine
2:31 Fine grained General Ledger based cash flow classification
4:35 Smart logics making our forecasts more accurate
7:17 Onboarding with plug-and-play data source connectors

In this WEBchat Nicolas Christian, CEO at Cashforce, contrasts the functionality of dedicated cash flow forecasting platforms such as Cashforce's with the approach of a classic TMS. He compares the key components in their platform for producing reliable cash flow forecasts with the TMS approach:

  1. Drill-down to transactional detail through Big Data Engine
  2. Fine grained General Ledger based cash flow classification
  3. Smart logics making our forecasts more accurate
  4. Onboarding with plug-and-play data source connectors.

CTMfile take: There are clear differences in the depth of cash flow forecasting functionality in the dedicated cash flow platforms and the functionality in the classic TMS. 

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