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Global supply chain finance market worth €46 billion, report

A report issued by BCR Publishing, specialists in receivables finance market data, has estimated the value of the global supply chain finance market at up to €46 billion. The figures are based on a recent survey of senior supply chain finance industry practitioners.

According to BCR, the World Supply Chain Finance Report 2016 compares the development in market regions across the globe, analysing why these regions have suffered low growth rates in the past, and how these obstacles are being tackled.

The report also covers reverse factoring and confirming statistics. It provides comment on the latest developments in the market.

BCR will be hosting further debate and discussion on the report's findings in the Receivables Finance International 2016 conference, held in Lisbon on 9-10 March.

According to Michael Bickers, managing director at BCR Publishing, the supply chain finance market is continuing to show rapid growth and is attracting increasing interest in recent years. He said: “This report details how, as the market grows, different forms of supply chain financing are being implemented, and trends are beginning to appear.”

The World Supply Chain Finance Report 2016 is available as a free download from BCR Publishing.

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