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Gresham and ANZ partner on cash management solution

Gresham Technologies, the software and services company, has given further details of its recent strategic licencing agreement with ANZ for a cash management solution. The two parties have partnered to deliver a project that has involved collaboration between teams from a number of different areas of the bank working across multiple time zones with Gresham staff in Asia Pacific and at its Innovation Labs in the UK.

Gresham’s Clareti banking solution is built using a modern microservice architecture and leverages Google’s GKE On-Prem for secure and scalable deployment. The technologies are the foundation of its next generation of corporate cash management and payments solutions which Gresham intends to market alongside its established Clareti Multi-Bank service.

The partnership enables the bank to access the latest technologies for rapid creation of customised products to meet corporate and institutional customer requirements. The firms say it also demonstrates the value of microservice architectures, APIs and agile ways of working to accelerate new product development processes, while proving the robustness of the Clareti technologies and collaborative development processes.

 “Customer demand for tangible value from their bank relationships has never been greater," said Ian Manocha, Gresham CEO.  "Working with our partner ANZ and using the very latest digital innovation and modern technology, the Gresham team is developing exciting cash management solutions which will deliver benefits to the Bank and to their customers.  The product development work is firmly on track and we are delighted with the results we are achieving.” 

“Our commitment to meet the dynamic needs of our customers - encompassing corporates, multinationals and financial institutions - is at the centre of our digital strategy within the Institutional Bank," said Mark Evans, managing director, Transaction Banking at ANZ. "Customers are also looking at us for support in improving their own end-user experience. Our long-term strategic partnership with Gresham will support the delivery of innovative cash management capabilities and we are excited about the experience it will deliver.”

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