Have a happy Xmas: minimise your Cyberfraud
by Jack Large
Here is CTMfile’s list of our 15 favorite lists of how to minimise cyberfraud, in no particular order, but all are important and interesting:
- Understand what is happening in fraud - 21 statistics on cyberfraud today
- Adopt “Cyber risk measurement and the holistic cybersecurity approach” - McKinsey&Company
- “10 Fraud Myths: insights that should drive your business”
- “Internal accounting controls needed to fight cybercrime”
- “Cybersecurity: Best practices for treasury and finance departments”
- PwC’s five steps to move your Treasury and Finance organisation towards a more effective cybersecurity risk management
- “Legitimate procurement + accounting letters? Or cyberattack?” - how to resist targeted, personal emails in phishing attacks
- 8 security considerations for using work devices on holiday
- International Chamber of Commerce 'Cybersecurity guide for business', presenting a number of principles, strategies, and actions that can help companies put a cybersecurity framework into practice
- The board Checklist: the vital questions
- ’10 steps to Cybersecurity from UK’s GCHQ’ (UK Government Communications Headquarters) who monitor the Internet and many other networks
- SANS (System Administration, Networking, and Security Institute) ‘Critical Security Controls’ —a short list of controls developed by security experts worldwide based on practices that are known to be effective in reducing cyber risks
- NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity—combines a variety of cybersecurity standards and best practices together, see
- ACFE’s Fraud Prevention Checklist, see
- ’40 questions you should have in your vendor security assessment’ from BITsight which shows how to monitor and manage vendor security.
CTMfile take: Happy Christmas and a fraud-free New Year.
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