How can corporate treasurers use cryptocurrencies?
by Haydn Jones, Founder, Blockchain Hub
- Key timing points
- 0:30 DLT and why it needs reframing
- 2:08 BofE work proving the realities and importance of the block chain concept
- 2:40 Block chain progress has hit the buffers
- 3:00 Bitcoin provides framework for store of value, a ledger, paying people, and attaching conditions to the payment
- 5:26 Bitcoin = theoretical framework collapse of the components of today’s commercial interface between the customer and supplier
- 5:43 What is wrong with Bitcoin
- 7:05 Plus side of Bitcoin
- 7:45 Fiat payment and settlement: RIPPLE, SETL, CORDA
- 9:18 Tokenizing business
- 13:12 Should we accept Bitcoins?
- 14:20 Use cases corporate treasurer should be investigating
- 15:05 New digital currencies: Cloud tokens
In this WEBchat Haydn Jones reviews:
- The foundation - Distributed Ledger Technology and why it needs reframing
- Bitcoin - great in theory: the problems and the positives
- What does this mean for the corporate treasurer:
- The problems and opportunities with Bitcoin
- How improve payment and settlement
- How to tokenise business
- How to improve supply chain efficiencies
- The issues in accepting Bitcoins
- New cryptocurrencies.
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