Insider risk & security threats - TREASURY NEWS - OpenTreasury Podcast #31
by Kylene Casanova
Pushpendra Mehta meets with Craig Jeffery, Managing Partner of Strategic Treasurer, to review the latest treasury news and developments. Topics of discussion include global central banks ramping up inflation fight, the dollar riding high despite inflation, GTreasury collaborating with Moody’s Analytics, banks gearing up to test real-time payments across borders, and insider risk and human error posing a huge security threat to organizations.
1:12 - Central banks lower curtain on era of minimal interest rates
2:41 - US dollar rides high despite inflation spike
7:00 - GTreasury pairs with Moody’s Analytics
9:34 - Banks preparing to test real-time cross-border payments
11:42 - Insider risk and human error pose grave security threat to organizations
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