Is Bitcoin a bubble?
by Haydn Jones, Founder, Blockchain Hub
- Key timing points
- 0:39 What is involved in a bubble?
- 1:45 What is the utility of the Bitcoin asset?
- 3:00 Price rise symtomatic of a bubble?
- 6:19 How and why price could plummet?
- 6:41 Level of ‘bubbleness’ in today’s price?
- 7:30 Any limit to the price?
- 8:37 Would you invest or observe?
- 9:11 Long term future of Bitcoin…..
In this WEBchat Haydn Jones discusses:
- What is a bubble and does Bitcoin qualify?
- What is the utility of the Bitcoin asset
- Is the price rise of Bitcoin symptomatic of a bubble?
- How price of Bitcoin could plummet
- Long term future of Bitcoin.
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