J.P. Morgan enhances Web Currency Services portal
by Kylene Casanova
J.P. Morgan Treasury Services today launched an enhanced and redesigned web portal, Web Currency Services. The new portal provides a single, online solution for clients' currency needs, improved internal controls, and enhanced expense and non-earning asset management.
Web Currency Services (replacing a previous cash portal, WebOrder) provides a variety of detailed views of cash transactions through J.P. Morgan's nationwide vault network and user-friendly analytical dashboards. Clients will now be able to gain further visibility into the following areas of cash management:
- Online Ordering History: ordering flexibility and viewing of historical activity, which may be used to resolve internal inquiries and provide a holistic view of ordering transactions. The new currency ordering interfaces with clients in real time for orders placed with J.P. Morgan's nationwide network of more than 100 vaults to optimise funds availability.
- Deposit Details: view denominational and adjustment information for each cash deposit made through the J.P. Morgan nationwide vault network to help reconcile transactions and understand adjustments posted.
- Cash Forecasting: platform helps to reduce cash inventory providing clients an opportunity to invest once-idle balances. Additionally, combining state-of-the art intelligent forecasting algorithms with preset parameters and daily activity transmission data, the system will calculate and recommend cash orders and/or deposits automatically for multiple locations.
- Vault Trend Reports and Dashboards: views monthly reports in an online library.
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