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New type of consulting service for working capital and procurement: Informita

Optimising working capital management and procurement is not easy. Many companies have already gone through working capital and procurement programmes, spent considerable sums of money on consultants and software with mixed success. Solutions have often been complex,impractical, theoretical or poorly implemented. There are still many others who have not yet engaged on the working capital or procurement journey. While many companies have seen some modest improvement, only a handful have been very successful. The key is finding the experience, advice and expertise to ‘do it right’.

Brian Shanahan has founded Informita to act as an advisor on all areas of working capital and procurement, focusing on analytics, implementation and advisory. Using his extensive expertise and experience he provides an annual subscription service where clients can ask anything about WCM and access to toolkits to solve critical problems and develop effective processes. He believes that they provide the more cost effective service that many companies are demanding.

Brian has 19 years in the working capital management business including seven years as a Senior Director at REL. Informita will be extending their team over the coming months with people who have a mixture of deep industry and consulting experience across many sectors and geographies. 

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