Payment factories - key lessons
by Kylene Casanova
At the Eurofinance Conference in Rome there were several presentations on payment factories which showed key features of effective payment factories.
Integration with the in-house bank: AkzoNobel's Marco Schuchmann in an excellent presentation showed how the in-house bank and payment factory need to be fully integrated into a fully straight through processing architecture to maximise the internal and external efficiencies, see Figure.
Akzo Nobel Straight Through Processing Treasury System Architecture
Source & Copyright©2011: AkzoNobel
Payment factories cannot cover all types of payment: Several speakers pointed out that you have to accept that payment factories cannot cover all types of payments, such as payroll payments, dividends and e-tax payments which are country specific.
New ways to extend the value of the payment factory in the future: Providing purchasing support services. Adopting e-invoicing to open up opportunity for invoice discounts from the suppliers.
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