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RBS Americas launches new e-payables service for corporate clients

RBS Transaction Services Americas is launching RBS Paymode-X, a new electronic payables solution for its corporate banking clients.  RBS Paymode-X helps clients to source a new stream of revenue from their accounts payables while also generating cost savings and operating efficiencies. RBS has partnered with Bottomline Technologies to provide clients with industry-leading payment automation capabilities through their Paymode-X platform. Paymode-X is a settlement network with more than 230,000 global members exchanging electronic payments, remittance advices and invoices.

RBS Paymode-X helps companies convert from costly paper-based payments to electronic payments quickly and easily. Vendors enjoy faster access to cash and a streamlined receivables process. New clients gain immediate access to members of Paymode-X’s large global network, with to date more than 3,000 new suppliers enrolling each month.

Some of the benefits include:

  • treasurers can optimise working capital, as well as increase their cash visibility and forecast accuracy
  • accounts Payable can improve performance metrics and mitigate the risk of error and fraud
  • purchasing can help better manage spend and improve vendor relationships
  • IT can support e-Payments with minimum resources.

RBS Paymode-X’s turn-key solution allows users to log in to a secure site to set up or change account information and initiate payments. Once a client provides a payment file from their ERP, RBS Paymode-X initiates the debiting and crediting of the proper bank accounts and sends e-remittance detail to their suppliers.

The e-commerce and payment systems providers, like Bottomline Technologies with their superb services, are going to leave the banks with very little of the payment business revenues. What do we really need banks for?

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