Reputational risk - TREASURY NEWS - OpenTreasury Podcast #33
by Kylene Casanova
On this week's review of the latest treasury news and developments, Pushpendra Mehta and Craig Jeffery discuss include the Bank of Canada turning to interest rate guidance to battle inflation, McDonald’s leaving Russia altogether, Citi, BNY Mellon and Wells Fargo investing in crypto firm Talos, the de-pegging of stablecoin TerraUSD (UST) sparking contagion fears, U.S. Bank teaming up with LiquidX to speed up supply chain financing, the AFP expanding to the Middle East and Africa, and Kyriba and Strategic Treasurer working together to produce the 2022 Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFI) Survey Report.
Read the articles:
Bank of Canada looks to interest rate guidance to combat inflation
McDonald's makes its Russia exit permanent
Stablecoin TerraUSD’s de-pegging sparks alarm
AFP expands to the Middle East and Africa
Survey shows NBFIs’ top three focus areas: security, compliance and efficiency
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