Risk management is all about getting control and being able to answer key questions
by Kylene Casanova
I once worked for GE and heard, from many of my colleagues, how the CEO at the time, Jack Welch used to keep asking sensible but difficult questions, and getting apopletically angry when they couldn’t answer, just like the CFO in AtlasFX’s cartoon below. (My friend who worked at both GE and Apple tells me that Jack Welch was like a lamb compared to Steve Jobs on a roll.)
The focus on FX and Commodity Volatility usually begins after an event
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Taking control is easy to say, but difficult to achieve. Unless you understand what are the key questions and have the right data & appropriate tools to be able to answer them. The problem in GE was not that my colleagues didn’t know what were the key questions - Jack Welch kept asking them. The problem was that the data and the analytical tools were not available. Fortunately for corporate treasury departments, there are now a myriad of different tools.
AtlasFX - getting control of FX hedging
AtlasFX - see, bring the hedging controls and processes together to minimise time and admin involved in optimising FX risk. They use patented processes to implement internal controls and avoid formula errors to remove spreadsheet risks, to provide instant hedge recommendations, forecasting and more with AtlasFX to complement the standard TMS.
Visual Risk - managing cash flow-at-risk
Visual Risk, Australasia’s leading treasury and risk management vendor, who has just announced the opening of their London office and the appointment of a new Head of Professional Services, Europe Gary Starling, focus on risk analytics, asset-liability management, treasury management, hedge accounting, and cash and liquidity. Recently Value Risk have been focusing on managing treasury targets with cash flow-at-risk(CFaR).
CTMfile take: Today the issue is what combination of systems and services are needed to answer the key questions. However, there is still the issue of what are the key questions because not everyone works for JW.
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