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RMB role and share of international payments is declining

In terms of international payments, compared to January 2017, in February 2017 the RMB kept its position as the sixth most active currency for international payments by value, with a share of 1.84%. RMB payments value increased by 4.10% compared to January 2017, whilst in general all payments currencies decreased by 5.21%.

December 2015 to February 2017 RMB declined as an international payments currency

Customer initiated and institutional payments. Messages exchanged on SWIFT. Based on value:

Source & Copyright©2017 RMB Tracker - SWIFT Watch

RMB clearing through Hong Kong 

In February 2017 Hong Kong dominated:

Source & Copyright©2017 RMB Tracker - SWIFT Watch

CTMfile take: Long ways to go before RMB becomes a Reserve Currency.

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