“Swatting” incidents are reaching the top ranks of Fortune 500 companies - TREASURY NEWS - OpenTreasury Podcast #76
by Kylene Casanova
Pushpendra Mehta meets with Bob Stark, Global Head of Market Strategy at Kyriba, and Paul Galloway, Senior Advisor at Strategic Treasurer, to review the latest treasury news and developments. Topics of discussion include the following:
- The global payments market is expected to grow to US $848 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 8.5%,
- CFOs see inflation and higher costs as the most pressing concern over the next 18 months.
- Finding the right treasurer is becoming a critical challenge for organizations worldwide.
- “Swatting” incidents are reaching the top ranks of Fortune 500 companies.
- Currency volatility isn’t going away, cautions Kyriba’s latest Currency Impact Report.
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