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The benefits of writing a book on treasury management and tips for doing so

American writer Jodi Picoult said, “Everyone has a book inside them – but it doesn't do any good until you pry it out.”

As a treasury professional, writing a book is probably the last thing on your mind, but turning your knowledge and expertise into a book could bring about a transformative change in your career.

While successful treasury executives are keen readers and also turn to treasury webinars, podcasts, courses and videos to develop a more profound understanding of the subject, writing a book about treasury management or about a particular subject in the treasury business can enable you to set yourself apart from other treasury professionals, potentially establishing you as a go-to authority and domain expert in the treasury sector.

Here are three reasons why writing a treasury management book may be one of the best things you can do to advance your career, establish yourself as a thought leader and open doors to new opportunities for yourself and your organization:

A book enables you to build credibility and differentiate effectively

In today’s competitive landscape, doing what most treasury and finance executives do is fine, but to stand out from the crowd, publishing a book on treasury management or any specific component(s) of the business could ultimately be the most powerful tool in your arsenal.   

Distinguishing yourself from others by providing value and discerning insights to your audience is the primary goal of any treasury marketing effort, and writing a book can be an effective way to meet that purpose, particularly when it can help you become a credible authority or authentic voice in the treasury business, build your trustworthy personal brand, and forge connections and collaborations you thought were beyond your reach.

A book can increase your visibility and worth

A well-written book can not only boost your credibility, helping you gain a significant competitive advantage, but can also increase your visibility as you become more widely known with your target audience.

As you significantly expand your reach, getting your thoughts in the form of a book into the hands of people you’ve never interacted with, you can come to influence them as a treasury expert. This could mean that they begin to talk about your book with others or share the content in your book through word-of-mouth, resulting in increased credibility and visibility.

Enhanced visibility could bring another game-changing benefit – becoming highly sought-after. This path might involve getting invited to speak at conferences and events, becoming a podcast guest, writing guest articles for industry blogs and news sites, and being interviewed by media outlets that want to tie in your expertise with current treasury, finance or economy news events that are trending.

Through an insightful book, you might build an audience of people who follow you and want to know more because of the value you provide, and this could help you amplify your worth in the workplace.

A book will force you to walk the talk

From experience, I can tell you that there is a high probability that writing a book will prevent you from becoming complacent. Complacency is the enemy of a fast-changing treasury business, and being complacent runs the risk of professional obsolescence.

Writing a book involves articulating and sharing your knowledge, experience and expertise, and that deepens your own understanding and perspective on the topics covered in the book. In addition, it ensures that your thoughts, words and actions are aligned, pushing you to follow the published advice you give to others. In other words, the preacher in you makes sure that you stay an evolving doer.

Furthermore, once your book is in the public eye, there is a subtle pressure to continually adapt, learn and grow. This could act as an important catalyst for reinventing yourself and your treasury department, particularly for the digital age.

Not only will your book enrich its readers with more knowledge, but it will also help you become a better reader, storyteller, thinker, strategist, seller, marketer, communicator, observer, risk-taker, innovator and problem-solver. All this helps you to keep the key message and recommended insights in your book in line with your actions. 

Tips for writing a book

Writing a book may seem overwhelming, but it isn’t as daunting or intimidating as it is often made out to be.

First, make an outline by listing the various chapters or sections you think will feature in your book. Include the main points and supporting ideas that will feature in each chapter or section. Then fill in your content around the outline.

Second, start writing. Write in a conversational style and keep it simple, clear and concise. You may be surprised by how the words will just start to flow.

Third, write a page every day, and you can complete a book in less than a year. If you don’t have the time or lack the ability to write it yourself, hire a ghostwriter to capture your voice and turn it into an engaging read, or ask your content or communications team to create a book.

Alternatively, you can use talk-to-text programmes or dictation software, allowing you to speak the words of your book and have the software type your ideas in real time. This way you can write your book more quickly and easily, as speech dictation is faster than typing on a keyboard.


There is a book in every discriminating treasury executive. Start writing soon and turn your experience and expertise into a treasury management book.

Your book will help you gain visibility and credibility, showcase your authenticity and statement of differentiation, increase your value at work, and foster a growth and adaptive mindset. It may also become your most powerful content marketing strategy, acting as a conduit of persuasion and influence to keep the reins of your treasury career in your hands and thriving.

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