The future-proofed treasurer?
by Jack Large
A key role in any professional association is to understand what their members do, their contribution, and what will be their likely future role. The Association of Corporate Treasurers annual survey of their members The business of treasury - strategic intelligence for a digitalo world reveals many insights including the seven habits of tomorrow’s treasurer:
- Adding value: as treasury moves away from tasks that can be automated to business strategy, communication and relationship management, as well as corporate finance.
- Inclusive treasury: already 25% of respondents are from a black, Asian or mixed-race background
- At the cutting edge of risk management: As the business world becomes ever more systematic in how it identifies, assesses and mitigates financial risk, the treasurer’s contribution will become invaluable
- Overseeing a highly automated function: One respondent summed it up: “There will be more automation between front and back office. I think there will be automation [of] the information we require to make funding decisions, and more information required for investment presentation.”
- Highly networked: which is what the ACT is all about
- Highly sensitised to external forces:
- Source & Copyright©2019 - Association of Corporate Treasurers
- The complete treasurer: “the best treasurers will have a fully rounded set of skills, and will update these constantly throughout their career. The future is in learning…”
Sustainable operations and green corporate treasury
The sessions on sustainable operations and green investment at the ACT19 Annual conference this week were packed, yet there is no mention in these seven habits of the future corporate treasurer of sustainable operations or eliminating global warming. Climate change is probably part of the “Other geopolitical uncertainty”, yet today’s climate crisis - the biggest threat to mankind today - is not mentioned specifically. Maybe the survey needs different questions?
CTMfile take: ACT’s “The business or treasury 2019” report is an excellent insight into today’s corporate treasury ………..
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