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TreasuryXpress global expansion continues

Demand for TreasuryXpress’s on-demand treasury management software model grew 83% across the Americas, EMEA, and MENA regions f during the first half of 2019. The firm expects to be on target for another triple-digit growth for the year. 

Recent developments show this growth is continuing:

  • treasury and FX industry expert, Ian McNaughton, has joined the firm to lead its product and client innovation strategy for the UK
  • opens a third office in the United States in Philadelphia.

“The opening of this office represents a very exciting time in the evolution of treasury,” said Anis Rahal, CEO and founder of TreasuryXpress. “As corporate treasurers are continually looking reduce inefficiencies in their legacy treasury operations, our highly flexible and feature-rich treasury management technology continues to be rapidly adopted by the market.” 

TreasuryXpress solution

Powered by sustainable, digital Cloud technology, TreasuryXpress’ on-demand treasury management software model is characterized by a frequent and controlled Agile development methodology, immediate logon access for clients, shortened and affordable implementation projects, responsive performance, and API integrations and connectivity. To date over 160 treasury teams worldwide, use TreasuryXpress to achieve enterprise-level cash visibility and forecasting, liquidity management, bank connectivity, secure payment processing, and automated reporting.

CTMfile take: The demand for TMS solutions is booming with speed of implementation and price being two key criteria (Bob's Guide survey). These are two areas where TreasuryXpress is world leader. No wonder demand for the TreasuryXpress solution is booming.

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